
Khaled Abu Toameh Khaled Abu Toameh- Israeli Arab journalist.

Khaled Abu Toameh is an award-winning journalist who reports from the West Bank and Gaza Strip for the Jerusalem Post, U.S. News and World Report, NBC News, and other media outlets. He formerly corresponded for Al-Fajr.

Courageous reporting and insightful analysis make Abu Toameh among the most quoted sources of information on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; in addition, as a Muslim Arab citizen of Israel, he has deep knowledge of Israeli-Arab circumstances. For example, when asked, “Should Jerusalem Be Redivided?” he answers that most Jerusalem Arabs prefer to live under Israeli rule. He is the main local resource for the planned trip.

Born in the West Bank city of Tulkarem in 1963 to an Israeli Arab father and a West Bank Arab mother, he moved to Israel after 1967 and received his B.A. in English Literature from Hebrew University. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife and three children.

If his work exposing corruption in the Palestinian Authority prompted then-PLO ambassador Ali Kazak to accuse him of being a traitor, Dore Gold, former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations calls Abu Toameh “fearless in pursuing the truth and in defying the conventional wisdom. Like no one else, he has critiqued Palestinian leaders, U.S. strategy in the peace process, and the European role in the Middle East"

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